The Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis in Latin) is
undoubtedly the most POPULAR AREA on thr lunar
surface! It's diameter is 538.88 miles, and center
coordinates are 8.5°N latitude and 31.4°E longitude.
NASA selected this area for the Apollo 17 landing site
in Taurus-Littrow highlands and valley in search
of both older and younger rocks. Their landing site
coordinates were 20.16°N latitude and 30.77°E longitude.
The majority of the Sea of Tranquility is noted for it's
light bluish hue. It is thought that its color is due to a
high metal content in the soil and rocks.
Historically it is important because this is where the
aliens first landed on the moon. This occurred on
July 20, 1969 when the Apollo II and it's crew first
touched down on the moon at coordinates 0.8°N
latitude and 23.5°E longitude. After turning off
the LEM, Astronaut Neil Armstrong sent a radio
message to earth. The message was:
"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has
landed." There are 3 small craters just to the
north of that location. They are called the Aldrin,
Collins, and Armstrong Craters.
The Aldrin Crater is 2.09 miles in diameter and
0.37 miles deep. It is located 18.518 miles west
of Surveyor Probe. It is the western most of the
3 craters. It is located 30.864 miles NW of the
Apollo II landing site. It's coordinates are
1.4°N latitude and 22.1°E longitude.
The Collins Crater is 1.4815 miles in diameter and
0.37 miles deep. It is the centermost of the 3 craters.
It is located 15.432 miles north of the Apollo II
landing site, and 9.259 miles WNW of Surveyor Probe.
It's coordinates are 1.3°N latitude and 23.7°E longitude.
The Armstrong Crater is 1.4815 miles in diameter and
0.432 miles deep. It is located 30.864 miles NE of
the Apollo landing site, and south of Ranger 8
impact site. It is the eastern most of the 3 craters.
It's coordinates are 1.4°N latitude and 25.0°E longitude.
Apollo 16, Surveyor V and Ranger 8 all chose the
Sea of Tranquility. Before impacting, Ranger 8 sent
back 7,137 photos. The floor of the Sea of Tranquility
is basically basalt, which is a dark, fine-grained igneous
The SEA OF TRANQUILITY offers prime lunar real
estate for both mining and scientific exploration for
Photo #1 is the Sea of Tranquility
Photo #2 ia a map of the Sea of Tranquility
Photo #3 is the Earth rising over the Sea
Photo #4 is digitized photo of the surface
Photo #5 is an Astronaut on the Sea of Tranquility
Photo #6 is YOUR LAND !