The Sea of Serenity (Mare Serenitatis in Latin) is 416 miles
in diameter, and has it's center coordinates at 28.0°N latitude
and 17.5°E longitude. It is the "left eye" in the "Man in the
Moon". In the "Sailor Moon" it was the former location of
"The Moon Kingdom". The basin is chiefly basalt, a dark,
fine-grained igneous rock.
The Sea of Serenity is gaining in popularity partly
because of a mysterious object with a number of 90°
angles located in the southwest quadrant at coordinates
19.58° 48' 31"N latitude and 21° 11' 35.57" E
longitude, visable on Google Earth. This object
was discovered by NASA while reviewing satellite photos.
(see photo #6 below). Photo #2 is the Crater Posidonius.
Photo #3 is the Bessel Crater. Photos #4 is an Astronaut
in the Sea of Serenity. Photo 5 is looking across the Sea
of Serenity.& 5 is where the Photo #6 is the mysterious
object; and photo#7 is it's location in the Sea.
Another notable feature is the Crater Posidonius on
the northern rim, with coordinates 31.8°N 29.9°E.
It is the 2nd photo below. Not that it has a fracrured
floor. The Sea of Serenity is connected to the Sea
of Tranquility to it's southwest. The Sea of Serenity
is one of the few lunar areas with a higher gravitational
attraction. Both Lunar 21 and Apollo 17 landed near
the eastern border.
The Monnier Crater on the eastern edge is where
the robotic Lunar 21 crossed 22.8 miles of it's 37.6
miles diameter. It has a depth of 1.48 miles. It's
center coordinate is 26.6°N latitude and 30.6°E
longitude. The western portion of the crater is
missing, where once lava flowed down, forming a
large bay. It is a sight to behold!
The Bessel Crater in the south central region has
a beautifil bowl shape! It is only 9.88 miles in diameter,
and has a depth of 1.05 miles. It's coordinates are
21.8°N latitude and 17.9°E longitude. This would
be a super interesting place to explore!

In the photos below, #1 is a map of the Sea of Serenity.
Photo #2 the Crater Bessel
Photo #3 is the Sea of Serenity
Photo #4 is an Astronaut on the Sea of Serenity
Photo #5 is the Crater Posidonius
Photo #6 is the mysterious object with 90° angles in the SW quadrant
Photo #7 is a map depicting the location of the strange object